Collected here are a number of resources useful to local residents and those interested in the La Honda Fire Brigade.
Would like something that isn't available here? Get in touch!
Site including resources, information on defensible space and maps of incidents in California managed by CAL FIRE.
National Fire Map
A national map of active and emerging fire and of satellite detected fire. Click on a flame icon to get detailed information about the incident. The red, orange and yellow dots represent 0-12, 12-24 and 24-48 hour old satellite observations.
Fire cameras around the South and East Bay area. Firefighters and first responders can use these to discover, locate, and confirm fire and quickly scale resources up or down by monitoring fire behavior and help evacuations through enhanced situational awareness. You can observe but not control the view from these cameras.
Near Real Time Global Fire Mapping
Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) distributes Near Real-Time (NRT) active fire data within 3 hours of satellite observation.
Lightning Strike Map
Real time or past 24 hour map of lightning activity.
Maps & Evacuation
Reference maps of Cuesta La Honda and surrounding areas with landmarks, residential plots, and evacuation routes.
ISO Rating & Home Insurance
An easy-to-digest description of the all-important ISO Rating your residential area receives, and the impact that has on home insurance cost and availability.
Board Meeting Minutes
An archive of La Honda Fire Brigade Board meeting minutes.
Newsletter Archive
An archive of past issues of the La Honda Fire Brigade newsletter.
Whistle Blower Policy
Per our BYLAWS, any member of the La Honda Fire Brigade has the right to file a notice of wrongdoing against any Board Member without fear of reprisal.