CZU Lightning Complex 2020
EVACUATION ORDER is in the process of being lifted.
Check the map below to see if you are in an affected area. If you leave under an evacuation order you can not return until after the order for your area is lifted.
In the map above:
Zones not marked or marked in green are not evacuated.
Zones marked in yellow are "EVACUATION WARNING."
Zones marked in red are under an "EVACUATION ORDER."
You may enter an address in the search box in the upper left to find it on the map. If you click on a zone its status will appear in a pop up box.
Satellite view of the fire complex:
CalFire landing page for fires:
Streaming Radio Feed:
This feed is scanning various channels. You can hear some command and tactical traffic for the fire.
CalFire updates email list for CZU August Lightning Complex:
Subscribe to get updates about the fire.
Interactive CalTopo map with wind, VIIRS fire satellite:,-122.18616&z=11&b=om&a=modis_mp%2Cwxd_wspd-01
Alternative: NASA FIRMS Fire satellite:;d:2020-08-16..2020-08-17;l:countries;@-122.1,37.1,11z
Data typically delayed by ~1 day.
Stay safe!